Should you prefer Null or Undefined in JavaScript?
Spoiler: avoid null, always use undefined.
Spoiler: avoid null, always use undefined.
Another game where the only winning move is not to play
How to test your parser with minimum amount of test code
My attempt to parse multiple SQL dialects
How I decided to not roll my own SQL parser and rely on the work of others
The ZWO format is a spectacular example of bad file format design.
While developing Lebab discovered some helpful patterns for working with AST.
Writing code that passes any review and doing an amazing review
Moluraamatu uus häkkimiskeel on paljulubav.
Häkkisin Sportlyzeri JavaScripti.
Sattusin ühe kahtlase koodijupi otsa
Progesin taas PHP-d üle mitme aasta
Suurem töölesaamise kampaania.
Käisin Fortumos koodi kirjutamas.